scratchsite| Booz Software: In 2023, the company's profit growth trend is good, with net profit attributable to the parent company increasing by 28.40% year-on-year, and net profit deducted from non-parent company increasing by 30.89% year-on-year

Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center, May 07scratchsite, some investors asked Booz Software (300525)(300525) that the latest financial report showed an annual revenue growth rate of about 6%. Such a growth rate would only give 10PE. How can the company achieve its long-term goals?

The company replied, Hello investors, the company's P/E ratio is affected by many factors such as policy environment, market environment, investors 'risk appetite, and profitability. In 2023, the company is in the shift stage of improving quality and efficiency, changing from focusing on revenue growth to focusing on improving the quality of revenue growth, that is, pursuing revenue growth based on efforts to improve profitability and profit quality. In 2023, the company's profit growth trend is good, and the parent's net profit will increase by 28% year-on-yearscratchsite.40%, net profit deducted from non-parent companies increased by 30.89% year-on-year. In the future, the company will continue to deepen its main business, actively promote the effective expansion of new businesses, strive to achieve breakthroughs in innovative businesses such as digital tickets, electronic vouchers, and data elements, and form a new growth curve for the company to return the majority of investors with better operating results. Thank you for your attention.

scratchsite| Booz Software: In 2023, the company's profit growth trend is good, with net profit attributable to the parent company increasing by 28.40% year-on-year, and net profit deducted from non-parent company increasing by 30.89% year-on-year

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