quasarsarcade| On May 22, the soda ash spot market fluctuated at a high level: short-term expectations are strong

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[Domestic soda ash spot market price fluctuates upward]

May 22quasarsarcade, the spot price in the domestic soda ash market showed a steady upward trend and fluctuated in high areas.

Market transactions showed a certain degree of flexibility. Although downstream demand was not very strong, appropriate replenishment of inventories could still be seen.

quasarsarcade| On May 22, the soda ash spot market fluctuated at a high level: short-term expectations are strong

On the enterprise side, the operation of the soda plant's equipment remained stable with no obvious fluctuations, and delivery orders became the dominant factor.

Although the downstream market has certain resistance to high-priced soda ash, it is expected that the soda ash market will remain strong in the short term.

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