famouspokerplayers| The identity of the daily limit "prophet" is disclosed! Details disclosed by Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Chen Guo holds 700 shares of Zhongtong Bus, and trading in his account has been suspended for 15 days

The share price of Zhongtong bus has been verified by "accurate" forecast.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a restricted trading decision on investor Chen Guo.

The decision book saysFamouspokerplayersAt 12:46 on May 21, 2024, Chen Guo posted under the screen name "Guoer will not speculate in stocks" in the community of Zhongtong bus (000957) on the platform of flush (300033): "I am Zhuang 01:20 pull up the limit." From 13:12 to 13:20, the share price of Zhongtong bus quickly rose to the limit and maintained to the close, attracting market attention.

The decision points out that it has been found out that the investor fabricates and spreads false information, misleads other investors into trading and disturbs the order of the securities market, which belongs to the circumstances listed in item 5 of Article 6.1 of the Trading rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and the circumstances are serious.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trading rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange has decided to impose restrictions on trading in Chen Guo's securities account from May 22, 2024 to June 5, 2024, that is, to restrict the relevant accounts from buying and selling all stocks listed and traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange during the above-mentioned period.

The trend of stock price is predicted "accurately"

From Nanjing Chemical Fiber (600889) to Zhongtong bus, recently, the "small composition chaos" of A shares has aroused great concern in the market.

On May 20, some investors posted a post in flush at 13:47 saying, "Nanjing Chemical Fiber, 2 p.m."Famouspokerplayers34 toFamouspokerplayersYou have a surprise, "and then the continuous trading of Nanjing chemical fiber really got stuck and dived out of the" heavenly floor ".

On May 21, on the platform of Zhongtong bus's stock bar, another investor posted a post saying: "I am Zhuang 01:20 to pull the limit." The information was released at 12:46. With the previous story of Nanjing Chemical Fiber, this post has attracted the attention of many investors.

In response to investor concerns, regulators stepped in quickly.

On the evening of May 21, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a notice on the stock trading of Zhongtong bus, requiring that the transaction verification be launched immediately.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange also said: "in view of the actions of relevant investors to fabricate and spread false information, mislead other investors into trading and disrupt the securities market, our institute has adopted regulatory measures to restrict trading on relevant accounts for 15 days in accordance with the regulations. and the suspected violations found will be handed over for further investigation."

The related account was suspended for 15 days.

According to the decision of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, it has been found that the securities account under Chen Guo's name held 700 shares of Zhongtong bus before May 21. May 21 10Famouspokerplayers29:25, the investor declared to sell 700 shares of Zhongtong bus at a price close to the limit price of 11.87 yuan per share. During the rapid rise of the stock, the declaration was withdrawn at 13:17:17.

famouspokerplayers| The identity of the daily limit "prophet" is disclosed! Details disclosed by Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Chen Guo holds 700 shares of Zhongtong Bus, and trading in his account has been suspended for 15 days

The decision points out that the investor fabricates and spreads false information, misleads other investors into trading and disturbs the order of the securities market, which belongs to the circumstances listed in item 5 of Article 6.1 of the Trading rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and the circumstances are serious.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trading rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange decided to take measures to restrict trading in the securities accounts under Chen Guo's name from May 22, 2024 to June 5, 2024, that is, to restrict the relevant accounts from buying and selling all stocks listed and traded on the Stock Exchange during the above-mentioned period.

The decision also mentions that if the parties have any objection to the above-mentioned trading restrictions, they may, within 15 trading days from the date of receipt of this decision, apply to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for review. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange will not suspend the implementation of this measure during the review period.

For Nanjing Chemical Fiber, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has continuously issued trading and verification notices.

At noon on May 21, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued a notice on the trading of chemical fiber stocks in Nanjing. According to the circular, Nanjing chemical fiber stock prices fluctuated sharply on May 20. The Shanghai Stock Exchange has paid attention to the relevant network information about the stock's stock price trend on that day, and immediately launched the transaction verification, and the corresponding measures will be taken in time according to the verification results.

On the evening of the same day, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued a circular on the verification of chemical fiber stocks in Nanjing. The report said that recently, Nanjing chemical fiber stock prices fluctuated sharply, and in view of the behavior of relevant investors fabricating and spreading misleading information to disrupt the normal trading order of the market, the Shanghai Stock Exchange adopted regulatory measures to suspend trading on relevant accounts for 15 days in accordance with the regulations, and has handed over the suspected violations of laws and regulations to further investigation and punishment.

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