scratchforwindows7| Apple market demand season ends with high inventories and prices expected to fall

News summary

The Apple market's shocks this week have no obvious drivers. The peak demand season is coming to an end and stocks are large. Demand may fall further in June, and investors are advised to stay on the sidelines and pay attention to market and weather factors.

Newsletter text

[The apple market remains volatile, and the peak demand season is coming to an end] In the past two weeks, the apple market has shown a volatile trend. This year, the overall supply side has not fluctuated significantly due to weather factors. Spot market sales improved month-on-month, but total inventories remained high. The inventory held in the hands of fruit farmers accounts for a relatively large proportion, and the sub-production areas are gradually clearing the inventory. As a result, the prices of goods with average quality continue to fall, and the market has not significantly felt the boost from the profit. Looking to the future, as temperatures rise, the market will usher in a low season of demand. In June, fruit farmers 'willingness to clear their positions will be further strengthened, and there is still room for decline in general-quality supplies. In the short term, the Apple market may continue to be weak and volatile. Market participants are seeking new drivers, while paying close attention to the sales progress of general-quality supplies and the possible weather impact in the new production season. In terms of strategic recommendations, analysts pointed out that the market is weak and volatile, and investors should remain patient and wait for new market drivers. At the same time, they reminded investors to pay attention to two potential risk points: First, if demand significantly exceeds expectations, it may have a positive impactscratchforwindows7Second, if the weather causes a significant reduction in production of apples and other alternative fruits, it may also become a positive factor for the market.

scratchforwindows7| Apple market demand season ends with high inventories and prices expected to fall

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