openworldblockchaingames| The 2024 Public Comment "must-play list" was officially announced, and 36 treasure cities were released for the first time

May twenty _ fifthOpenworldblockchaingamesDianping's "must-play list" was officially released in 2024. The list covers 84 domestic cities and regions, 36 more than last year, making it a "new business card" for literature and tourism. The number of places on the list reached a new high of 1306, with Beijing, Chengdu, Suzhou, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Changsha, Xi'an, Nanjing and Shanghai ranking among the top 10. New sub-sections such as "parent-child play", "citywalk" and "nightlife" are set up to meet the travel needs of all kinds of people. In line with the new trend, more 234-tier "treasure cities" have been published, with the first addition of the "peripheral travel" section, which has significantly improved the richness of the list, providing users with a more comprehensive travel guide.

▲ Dianping's "must-play list" was officially released in 2024, adding more than 150 places with the theme of "peripheral travel".

(photo Source: Dianping App)

With strong locality and high degree of play, the online list has become the "new business card of urban literature and travel".

"almost every city has a botanical garden, but what is special about the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is that it focuses onOpenworldblockchaingamesThe tropical rain forest is the main element of the territorial nature travel. " Dianping's "must play list" in 2024-- introduction to the Director of Marketing of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, "Biodiversity Conservation, Animal-Plant relationship, population profileOpenworldblockchaingames.Openworldblockchaingames.... All the elements of the tropical rain forest in Xishuangbanna are concentrated here, which is a veritable place to play. "

In fact, the "strong locality" of the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is one of the commonalities of Dianping's must-play list this year. It is reported that the "must-play list" is one of Dianping's "must-eat list" (must-eat list, must-play list, must-live list). Based on the true evaluation and browsing behavior of a large number of users to examine the candidate places of play, "whether to highlight local characteristics" is an important criterion for the selection of the list.

"it has to be fun to have fun." According to the relevant person in charge of Dianping, "high playability" is another essential attribute of the places on the list. "most of the places on the list are entertaining, interactive and educational, and they are not simple scenic spots of clocking in and taking pictures."

Take the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as an example, visitors can not only enjoy the scenery of the primitive tropical rain forest, but also travel to study at night and "see through" the botanical garden in all aspects. "the research courses are led by a team of scientists and research mentors from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, covering all ages, from natural enlightenment to scientific experiments. Night excursions show different characteristics with the change of the four seasons. May and June are firefly season and winter is stargazing season. The night travel experience is completely different from that during the day, and you need to use the five senses to perceive everything in the botanical garden. "

▲ Xishuangbanna "must play list" list of places to play-Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

(photo Source: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Dianping data show that compared with 2023, the replacement rate of places on the must-play list this year is close to 30%, and the weight of "locality" and "playability" as the threshold for selection has been greatly increased. Datong Yungang Grottoes, Zhangzhou Dongshan Island, Huhehaote Dazhao Wuliang Temple and other places with local characteristics and high degree of play are on the list for the first time, and the list has become the "new business card of urban literature and tourism".

Closely following the new trend of travel, the "must-play list" has become a new momentum of urban culture and tourism consumption.

"on May Day this year, I accidentally found that high-speed rail tickets in Hohhot were easier to buy, so I temporarily decided to go to Hohhot to eat beef and enjoy the prairie scenery." Li Yan, a post-1995 generation who works in Chongqing, told reporters that compared with "crowding", the more cost-effective "unpopular treasure city tour" has become a trend in recent years.

In order to meet the travel needs of users under the new trend, 36 cities were added to Dianping's "must-play list" in 2024, and the list was published for the first time in Hohhot, Xishuangbanna, Xiangyang, Yanbian, Zhangzhou and other places, filling the gap in the online Travel Guide of the emerging treasure city. it has become a new momentum to promote the growth of local literature and tourism consumption.

Hohhot has four distinct seasons, with flowers in full bloom in spring, luxuriant grasslands in summer, maple leaves in autumn and snow in winter, according to a person in charge of the General Administration Museum, a tourist destination on the list this year. In recent years, more and more tourists "recommend" the amorous feelings of northern Xinjiang through online content platforms such as Dianping. "in the past, there were many tourists traveling around short distances, but now Hohhot has become a 'new online celebrity' on the Internet, and more southern tourists are visiting during short holidays."

▲ Hohhot "must play list" on the list of places to play-General Yashi Museum's "National style Photo" play.

(photo Source: general Government Office Museum)

Hohhot has become a "minority treasure city", and local characteristic places on the must-play list have also become popular. It is reported that the number of visitors to the General Yashi Museum in 2023 increased significantly compared with the same period last year, with a significant increase in the number of tourists from the south. "visitors can experience northern Xinjiang culture through ancient architecture, and can also participate in special activities such as exploring Suiyuan City, tasting brick tea and appreciating cloves, taking photos of the national style, and so on." The above-mentioned responsible person said.

In addition, as "short-distance peripheral travel" has become another new travel trend, a new "peripheral travel" section has been added to the must-play list in 2024, such as the Siguniang Mountain Scenic spot in Aba, Wuyuan Scenic spot in Shangrao, and Xiaoqiong Scenic spot in Libo, Qiannan. They appear on the list of cities such as Chengdu, Jingdezhen and Guiyang to provide users with a more comprehensive and reliable "city travel treasure book".

"due to the superimposed craze of 'peripheral travel' and 'hiking fever', the Siguniang Mountain scenic spot continues to be popular, with a large number of young people from surrounding cities such as Chengdu and Chongqing coming for 'short trips', and passenger flow has increased by nearly 30%." Introduced by the general manager of Glacier Company of Aba Dajiu Travel Group. New travel trends emerge one after another, and the online list, represented by Dianping's "must-play list", can further drain such new online celebrity scenic spots and new treasure cities, and become a booster for local culture and tourism consumption.

It is worth noting that in order to meet the increasingly diversified travel needs of users, in 2024, in addition to expanding the list of cities and travel scenes, the 2024 "must play list" has also set up new sub-sections such as "parent-child play" and "citywalk", which refines and classifies the places of play, so as to meet the travel needs of all kinds of people in different scenarios more clearly.

The relevant person in charge of Dazhong Dianping revealed that after the 2024 list is officially released, the platform will link up with the "must-play places" on the list to launch "must-play Carnival" and other entertainment activities. "The first stop will be held at Changlong Happy World in Guangzhou during the June 1st International Children's Day, providing users with a richer and more interesting playing experience through diversified gameplay methods such as online and offline linkage."

openworldblockchaingames| The 2024 Public Comment "must-play list" was officially announced, and 36 treasure cities were released for the first time

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