machinamegaways|虚列业务及管理费 华安保险吉林分公司被罚22万元

Financial front-line news on May 6machinamegawaysThe Administrative Penalty Information Disclosure Form of the Songyuan Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration shows that the Songyuan Marketing Service Department of Jilin Branch of Hua 'an Property Insurance Co., Ltd. was fined 220,000 by the Songyuan Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration for falsely stating business and management fees. Han Xu was then the person in charge of the Songyuan Marketing Service Department of Jilin Branch of Hua 'an Property Insurance Co., Ltd., and was responsible for falsely stating business and management fees for the Songyuan Marketing Service Department of Jilin Branch of Hua' an Property Insurance Co., Ltd., and was warned and fined 20,000 yuan.

machinamegaways|虚列业务及管理费 华安保险吉林分公司被罚22万元

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