bestpokerset| Prices rise + prosperity rise, and the chemical sector violently absorbs gold!

Since the rebound began on February 5bestpokerset, the sub-chemical index has increased by more than 27% this round, significantly outperforming the performance of the broader market during the same period. Since the end of 2023, the overall fluctuation of my country's chemical product price index has been relatively stable. According to Wind data, the average domestic CCPI index changed month-on-month from January to March 2024bestpokerset.78%、+0.06%、+1.56%。Among them, the slight increase in the CCPI index in March was due on the one hand to the rise in upstream crude oil prices, and on the other hand, due to the arrival of peak seasons in some downstream industries.

bestpokerset| Prices rise + prosperity rise, and the chemical sector violently absorbs gold!

In terms of corporate profits, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the operating profits of enterprises above designated size in the chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing industry fell slightly by 0.5% year-on-year from January to February 2024. Compared with the same period in 2023, the decline in profits of chemical companies has narrowed significantly. In the follow-up, as domestic demand continues to recover and new overseas orders continue to increase, the prosperity of chemical products is expected to rise, and the profitability of chemical companies is expected to continue to improve.

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