kirbyforgottenlandtimecrash| Tianfu Communications: Production capacity problems have eased in the second quarter and will strive to achieve customer delivery

News summary

[Tianfu Communicationkirbyforgottenlandtimecrash: Production capacity problems have eased in the second quarter and efforts will be made to achieve customer delivery] Securities Times e Company News, Tianfu Communications responded to investors on the interactive platform that the company's production capacity problems have eased in the second quarter and the company will strive to achieve customer delivery.

kirbyforgottenlandtimecrash| Tianfu Communications: Production capacity problems have eased in the second quarter and will strive to achieve customer delivery

Newsletter text

[Tianfu Communications: Production capacity problems eased in the second quarter and will strive to achieve customer delivery] Securities Times e Company News, Tianfu Communications responded to investors on an interactive platform that the company's production capacity problems eased in the second quarter and the company will strive to achieve customer delivery.

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