onlinecasinofreebonus| The food and beverage sector has pulled back for 4 years, with wine ETFs attracting more than 11.9 billion yuan, and more than 6.9 billion yuan flowing into food ETFs

The shareholders' meeting of Maotai has always been the concern of the market.OnlinecasinofreebonusMaotai (600519) shareholders' meeting was attended by more than 2000 people in May 2019. This year's Moutai shareholders' meeting will be held on May 29th. By the end of the first quarter of this year, Guizhou Moutai (600519) had 16.Onlinecasinofreebonus.100,000 shareholders.

According to past practice, the number of participants at shareholders' meetings is generally limited to 300 or 600. As soon as the registration system for the Maotai shareholders' meeting was opened this year, the quota was quickly snatched up.

During the Guizhou Moutai shareholders' meeting, the ticket price of direct flights from Beijing to Moutai Airport increased more than twice as much as usual. Maotai International Hotel is in a state where it is difficult to find a room. The deluxe suites and other room types of 773 yuan / night have been fully booked, only 8968 yuan / night luxury villas can be booked, and other hotels in Maotai town also raised prices during the shareholders' meeting.

onlinecasinofreebonus| The food and beverage sector has pulled back for 4 years, with wine ETFs attracting more than 11.9 billion yuan, and more than 6.9 billion yuan flowing into food ETFs

Zhang Deqin, who has just taken office as chairman of Maotai Group, will make his first public appearance at the shareholders' meeting. Zhang Deqin was nominated by the company's board of directors as a candidate for the fourth board of directors on May 7. According to the relevant regulations, if Zhang Deqin is examined and approved by the 2023 shareholders' meeting and successfully elected by the board of directors, he will officially become the chairman of Guizhou Moutai.

As an A-share benchmark enterprise, Guizhou Moutai's performance has continued to grow steadily in the past few years. In 2023, Guizhou Moutai achieved a total operating income of 150.56 billion yuan, an increase of 18.04% over the same period last year, a total profit of 103.663 billion yuan, an increase of 18.20% over the same period last year, and a net profit of 74.734 billion yuan, an increase of 19.16% over the same period last year. According to Wind data, Guizhou Moutai has accumulated 271.4 billion yuan in dividends since it was listed in 2001 and 150.1 billion in the past three years.

In terms of stock price, Guizhou Moutai began to adjust after hitting a record high of 2519.99 yuan per share in February 2021, falling to 1266.07 yuan per share in November 2022, a drop of as much as 49.8 percent, with the latest share price of 1670.12 yuan.

Spirits stocks fell and food and beverage-related ETF also ushered in a wave of adjustment, with liquor ETF and food and beverage ETF falling by 40 per cent from February 18 to Friday.

Food and beverage sector fell, funds through the ETF continued to bottom. Among them, Penghua fund wine ETF absorbed more than 11.9 billion, Tianhong fund diet ETF net inflow exceeded 6.9 billion, and more than 1 billion funds flowed into Huaxia fund food and beverage ETF.

The proportion of food and beverage heavy stocks held by all active equity public funds in the first quarter of 2024 was 12.26%, down 0.03pct from the fourth quarter of last year. The proportion of heavy food and beverage positions in 2023Q1-2024Q1 active public offering funds is 15.22%, 12.21%, 13.32%, 12.28% and 12.26% respectively, and the proportion of positions is still at a low level in the past five years.

By the end of the first quarter of 2024, among the top 20 stocks held by active funds by market capitalization, food and beverages still ranked five, all of which were the subject of liquor, namely Guizhou Moutai, Wuliangye (000858), Luzhou laojiao (000568), Shanxi Fenjiu (600809) and Gujinggong Liquor (000596), which remained unchanged from the end of the fourth quarter of last year.

For the food and beverage sector, Shen Wanhongyuan (000166) research report pointed out that under the support of valuation and dividends, as well as in the context of macroeconomic policies, 2024 will be the year of plate expectations and valuation repair, but the fundamentals are still bottoming out, enterprises continue to divide, it is expected that the excellent head enterprise valuation center will stabilize and repair, and the investment return for the whole year will mainly come from performance growth and dividends.

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