nodepositbonusslots| The spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce answered questions from reporters on the United States 'inclusion of a number of Chinese entities on the "entity list" of export controls

a reporter askednodepositbonusslots: On May 9, 2024, U.S. Eastern Time, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced the inclusion of a number of Chinese entities in the "Entity List" for export control. What is China's comment on this?

A: China has taken note of the relevant situation. The United States has included 37 Chinese entities in the export control "entity list" on the grounds of so-called military-related and Russia-related. China firmly opposes this.

nodepositbonusslots| The spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce answered questions from reporters on the United States 'inclusion of a number of Chinese entities on the "entity list" of export controls

For a long time, the United States has popularized the concept of national security, abused export control measures, suppressed and contained enterprises in other countries, seriously damaging the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, undermining the security and stability of global industrial and supply chains, and hindering the recovery and development of the world economy.

China urges the United States to immediately stop its wrong practices and will take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies.

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