strippokersites| On May 15, Caesar Culture now sold a block transaction of 2.7358 million yuan

According to Securities Star, a large transaction occurred on May 15 in Caesar Culture (Rights Protection). The transaction data is as follows:

Block transaction price 3strippokersites.37 yuan, with 811,800 shares traded, with a transaction amount of 2.7358 million yuan. The buyer's business department is the Fuzhou Wusi Road Securities Business Department of China International Capital Fortune Securities Co., Ltd., and the seller's business department is dedicated to the institution.

strippokersites| On May 15, Caesar Culture now sold a block transaction of 2.7358 million yuan

In the past three months, there have been 3 large transactions in the stock, with a total of 24,400 lots traded. The stock has not been listed recently.

As of the close of May 15, 2024, Caesar Culture (002425) closed at 3.37 yuan, up 10.13%. It has been trading for two consecutive days, with a turnover rate of 11.53%, a turnover of 1.1018 million lots, and a turnover of 365 million yuan.

The stock has no institutional rating in the last 90 days.

The above content is compiled by Securities Star based on public information and generated by algorithms (Netcom Calculation No. 310104345710301240019). It has nothing to do with the position of this station. If there are any data problems, please contactstrippokersitesWe. This article is a compilation of data and does not constitute any investment advice for you. Investment is risky, so please make decisions carefully.

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