blockchaingamestudio| U.S. soybeans have strong shocks, and domestic soybean meal has limited pressure: Guangfa Futures Analysis Report

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blockchaingamestudio| U.S. soybeans have strong shocks, and domestic soybean meal has limited pressure: Guangfa Futures Analysis Report

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U.S. soybean market tightening expectations increaseblockchaingamestudio, the shock situation is expected to continue

guangfa futuresblockchaingamestudioMarket analysis shows that in the latest USDA supply and demand report, global soybean supply continues to grow, resulting in a steady increase in the ratio of inventory to consumption, and market expectations of oversupply remain solid. Currently, the trading focus is on the planting of soybeans in the United States for the new season and the growth of soybean crops in southern Brazil, which keeps U.S. soybean prices fluctuating within a certain range.

Domestically, the supply of soybeans and their soybean meal is gradually increasing, and the basis is showing a pressure situation. Although the U.S. soybean market has price support and Brazil's premium prices remain high, the downside of domestic meal prices may be limited. It is worth noting that the possibility of a recent market correction is increasing, and investors should pay close attention to risk control measures.

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