evocc| Jinan high-level meeting released a signal to deepen power reform, and power stocks set off a wave of daily trading.

Interface News reporter | Dai Jingjing

A-share power plate ushered in a collective rally.

It's May 24thEvoccThe power plate broke out against the trend. As of the close of the dayEvocc, Wind electricity Index (882528Evocc.WI) up 2.Evocc.02%, a number of shares maintained the daily limit, including Leshan Power (600644.SH), Star Power (600101.SH), Chendian International (600969.SH), Xichang Electric Power (600505.SH), Geodian (000875.SZ), Guangxi Energy (600310.SH) and so on.

In addition, shares such as Huayin Power (600744.SH), Yueneng Holdings (001896.SZ) and Zhejiang Power (600023.SH) rose more than 5 per cent.

evocc| Jinan high-level meeting released a signal to deepen power reform, and power stocks set off a wave of daily trading.

Segments such as green power, smart grid and virtual power plants also strengthened at the same time, with stocks such as Wansheng Intelligence (300882.SZ) and National Energy Rixin (301162.SZ) rising by the daily limit.

The recent high-level meeting released the acceleration signal of power reform, which is potentially good for the power plate.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, state president, and chairman of the Central military Commission, presided over a forum of enterprises and experts and delivered an important speech in Jinan, Shandong Province, on the afternoon of May 23, Xinhua reported.

At the forum, representatives of enterprises and experts spoke one after another and put forward opinions and suggestions on deepening the reform of the electric power system, developing venture capital, and upgrading traditional industries with science and technology. Liu Mingsheng, chairman of SPIC and secretary of the party leading group, spoke first as a representative.

In July this year, the third Plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee will be held in Beijing, and the main agenda will include a report on the work of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to the Central Committee, focusing on the further deepening of reform and the promotion of Chinese-style modernization.

"it is the consistent practice and fine tradition of our party that the CPC Central Committee makes major policy decisions and formulates important documents, conducts in-depth investigations and extensively listens to opinions from all quarters. The parties concerned should conscientiously study and absorb the opinions and suggestions put forward by you for further and comprehensively deepening reform. " Xi Jinping said after listening to everyone's speeches at the forum on May 23.

The reform of electric power system is an important part of China's economic system reform. since the opening of a new round of electric power reform in 2015, the market-oriented reform of electric power has been promoted in depth.

In October 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Circular on further deepening the Market-oriented Reform of on-grid electricity Price for Coal-fired Power Generation, abolishing the sales electricity price of industrial and commercial catalogue, liberalizing the online electricity price of all coal-fired power generation, and promoting all industrial and commercial users to enter the market.

In the area of renewable energy, the guidance on speeding up the Construction of a National Unified electricity Market system issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Energy Administration in January 2022 is clear that new energy will fully participate in market transactions by 2030.

The measures for regulating the purchase of electricity from Renewable Energy by full guarantee, which was formally implemented in April this year, has changed the description of "guaranteed quantity" and "guaranteed price" of electricity purchased by renewable energy in previous policies. it will be related to the national renewable energy consumption security mechanism to promote renewable energy to participate in market competition in an orderly manner.

Guosheng Securities said that the pace of construction of the electricity market will be further accelerated this year, and it is expected to speed up the construction of the spot market and auxiliary services, and the more mature medium-and long-term transactions may be further improved.

The issue of new energy consumption is also a prominent contradiction hindering the reform of the electric power system, and has been concerned by the central government for many times.

On February 29th, the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held its 12th collective study on new energy technology and China's energy security. when presiding over the study, Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to meet the needs of energy transformation and further build a new energy infrastructure network. we will promote the intelligent transformation of power grid infrastructure and the construction of smart microgrids, and improve the grid's ability to accept, configure and regulate clean energy.

In addition to the support formed by the policy side, the peak summer is approaching, and the expected surge in power demand also promotes the strength of the power sector.

The China Meteorological Administration expects temperatures in other parts of the country to be higher in May, with the exception of northern Heilongjiang and western Xizang, which are close to the same period of the year.

Recently, meetings have been held frequently in various places to welcome the peak and spend the summer. On May 17, Zhang Jianhua, secretary of the party leading group and director of the State Energy Administration, also led a team to the State Grid Corporation to investigate the work of ensuring power supply in the summer.

The National Energy Administration said in April that the national electricity load is expected to increase rapidly this summer, with the maximum load increasing by more than 100 million kilowatts compared with the same period last year.

According to a comprehensive study, during the peak summer period this year, the national power supply is generally guaranteed, and there may be a shortage of power supply in some areas during the peak hours, mainly in Inner Mongolia and some provinces in East China, Central China, Southwest and South China. In the event of extreme and disastrous weather, the shortage of electricity supply may be further aggravated. " According to the National Energy Administration.

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